Our Home Inspection Services
Valuecast, Inc. offers a wide range of home inspection services to meet your home and property needs.
Our Orlando home inspections usually identify areas of concern, or the need for maintenance, before these conditions create more costly repairs or replacements. More importantly, our home inspections focus on safety issues and can identify low-cost additions or upgrades that will make your home safer for your family and visitors. The home inspection will also educate you on the operation of your home, its primary systems and current methods or alternatives to costly maintenance. The benefits and peace of mind you gain from these home inspection services will far exceed the actual cost of the inspection itself.
Full Home Inspection
The full home inspection will provide a broad range of information about the major components and systems of the building. These are the roof, heating and air conditioning system, plumbing and electrical systems, foundation and structural components, garage or carport, interior walls, ceilings, floors, windows and doors. It is a non-invasive assessment of the readily accessible areas and components in order to help you understand the true condition of the house.
Wind Mitigation Inspection
A Wind Mitigation inspection is designed to determine the structural ability of the home to withstand the forces of a wind storm. A standard form is filled out detailing several aspects, including roofing, roof structure and attachment, exterior opening protection (windows, doors), and whether the structure was built to newer or older standards. This is usually done for the insurance company to determine if the property is suitable for insurance discounts. This does not take the place of a Standard Home inspection.
Four Point Inspection
A Four Point inspection is an inspection of four main systems: Roof, Plumbing, Electrical and Heating/Air. This is also done for the insurance company to have a quick assessment of the general system conditions in order to have a better grasp of what they are insuring. This is not as detailed as a standard Home Inspection and does not take the place of one.
Swimming Pool Inspections
Swimming pools are a complex system involving many components that have to all operate properly for a safe and functional system. There are important safety items that need to be in place. The inspection will cover the main accessible and visible system components, functionality and safety.
Seller’s Home Inspection
Within the home inspection field, this is a largely overlooked resource. This is a standard Home Inspection done at the request of the property owner prior to selling. The intention is to give the seller a good idea of items needing attention or repair that he or she may not be aware of. This can allow repairs/corrections to be done prior to the sale to increase the value or desirability of the home, and can help the sales transaction to proceed more smoothly. This also reduces the chance that significant surprises will come to light during the sale. My advice to Sellers – don’t wait for the buyer’s inspector to find all those defects! Doing this will also greatly enhance your credibility in the mind of the buyer.
Maintenance Inspection
This is an inspection done to help a homeowner evaluate what needs attention to provide proper maintenance and prevent future problems. It will also evaluate possible safety concerns, and is a great aid in having a happy, healthy and safe home. This is done as a Standard inspection, with an eye toward crucial maintenance areas. It is recommended to do this annually to prevent small items from becoming large problems. When you have your initial home inspection done prior to purchasing, ask us about booking an annual Maintenance Inspection and we’ll be sure to give you a discounted price.
Manufactured Home (Mobile Home) Inspection
Manufactured/Mobile homes are built to slightly different standards than site-built homes, but the basic functionality concept is the same. Understanding the differences is important to understanding the overall condition, and I have had special training in this type of home. This encompasses the same scope as a Standard Home Inspection, but performed for a different type of structure.
Commercial Inspections
A commercial property is purchased for different reasons than a residential property, and the focus is less personal or emotional. It is typically a business transaction. Understanding the different aspects of this type of inspection is important in order to provide a useful inspection.
Wood Destroying Organism (Termite) Inspection – (3rd Party)
Now that you know more about the different Home Inspections Services that we offer, feel free to contact us today to schedule your next home inspection. You can also Schedule your Home Inspection on your website. If you want to see how satisfied our customers are take a moment to check out our Home Inspection Ratings and Reviews or learn more about our Orlando Home Inspection company.